the secondhand table | spring edition

A spring secondhand table.

if you’re just joining us from Aimee Weaver Design, I’m so glad you’re here!


Lately, it seems as if the world has gone mad.  fear is rampant and things that were once steady, even concrete, are now uncertain.  it’s times like these that can make working on a home improvement project or setting a pretty table feel trivial, maybe even vain.  with so much loss and grief and unknown, it feels silly to worry about or even bother creating and finding beauty. but part of me feels like this is all the more reason to find + create beauty.  what if finding joy and beauty in the midst of life’s darkest moments is a part of what will help carry us through?


 When my secondhand table friends invited me to join in on a spring table, it was a welcome distraction.  in case you missed it, we created a thanksgiving tablescape, a table for Christmas, and a fun, little Valentine’s table setting.  this challenge is a great creative exercise that encourages using only secondhand items, hence the name.  whether it’s thrifted, foraged, or new-to-you, the goal is simply to use what you have, purchasing nothing “new.”  due to current events, local businesses being closed, and the stay-at-home order, creating a spring secondhand table inspired even more creativity. this time I didn’t even leave my house, save for walking outside to clip some branches in the backyard.


This table feels especially simple to me and I feel as if that’s fitting. my favorite blue + white floral sheet-turned-tablecloth acts as an anchor.  I filled an oversized jar [from the Target clearance shelf years ago] with a branch from the large fig tree that shades our backyard. I used my rattan chargers and a mix of blue + white dishes as my place setting­–some of my favorite, most-used thrifted finds.  some antique flatware + scalloped linen napkins, a Christmas gift from my husband years back, are a sweet detail.  I used these same seagrass-wrapped high ball glasses in my thanksgiving table, but they feel especially appropriate for this particular table.  so light and springy!


It’s not much, but I think it’s pretty.  I have a feeling that blue + white and touches of rattan will be making an appearance all spring + summer long at my house. thanks for reading!  I hope you leave inspired to create a little something or to find beauty in this crazy world of ours.

be sure to stop by Adored House to see the lovely secondhand table Dana put together!


make sure to hop over and check out all the secondhand tables that were put together!