tuesday tips: mixed nuts

today's Tuesday Tip is simple and a bit nutty.  pun intended.


one of my favorite things to do when decorating for the holidays is to fill a bowl with mixed nuts.  it's easy, adds some natural hues and a little texture, and it's lovely.  throw them in a pretty dish or a small basket and—viola!  an easy bowl filler.


from a coffee table to a console table to a table setting in your dining room, this is an effortless way to create interest and make a simple snack a bit more elegant.  what more could you want?

just don't forget a nutcracker like I did this past holiday season.  oops!

thanks for tuning into another edition of Tuesday Tips at the tiny white house!


a simple tablescape.

for the Fourth of July, I threw a few red, white, and blue things on the table. we weren't hosting any parties or even home that day, but I wanted to do something. it wasn't anything fancy, but I liked it!

the next week, everything got pushed around and my patriotic tablescape disappeared. you see, sometimes [read: a lot of the time] our table acts as a catchall. after I cleared the thing off, I was ready for something different. a little more formal, yet very simple. I had a picture in my mind of exactly what I wanted, so I set out to make it happen. we all know less is more and that phrase perfectly sums up what I had envisioned. here's the finished product:

I spread a strip of burlap across the table to use as my table runner. then I carefully placed some of my white dishes to make four place settings. after racking my brain for a centerpiece idea, I decided to use an old tool box that belonged to Drew's grandfather and fill it with white hydrangeas [my favorite]. I'm not sure if this is against "design rules," but you should know my flowers are fake. I adore fresh flowers just a much as the next girl, but I prefer to use fake when decorating because 1) they last longer and 2) they can be used over + over again in so many different ways.

after arranging the flowers just so, I went out to my front porch and snipped some pieces of boxwood. I rolled + fluffed a white cloth napkin through a silver napkin ring and tucked a boxwood snippet into the ring. I did this four times and set one at each place setting, then finished setting the table.

one of my favorite features of this tablescape is the silverware. instead of using our regular, matching silverware, I used antique [and some real!] silver I happened upon one day while antiquing with friends. the best part: it's mismatched! I didn't buy one complete set, but several different brands + designs of silverware. collecting antique silver is one of my new hobbies, as well as polishing silver. I know, kind of weird. but it's both relaxing and rewarding! you can see the results right before your eyes.

as for my drinkware, I decided to go for a simple + southern look. so naturally, mason jars were my glass of choice.

and there ya have it! my simple, almost effortless tablescape. what do you think?

will you set the table?

one of my favorite things to do is set the table. rarely do we sit at our table—this is something we're working on. nevertheless, I love creating tablescapes for different seasons, events, and sometimes, for no reason at all.

since we're newlyweds, we observe most holidays with our families in their homes. that said, we won't be hosting anyone for Easter lunch. but even so, I wanted to create a light, springy tablescape. I found some pretty cloth napkins at HomeGoods when I was visiting my sister [the go-getter] and I thought they'd be perfect for the occasion!

these days, I'm a little bit obsessed with gold and spray painting things gold. I'm sure this is a phase, but lately, I just can't stop. usually it's some of my dollar store finds... faux pears, phone cases, miniature animals [giraffes, elephants, lions, & alligators, to be exact]. but for my spring tablescape, I thought it would be fun to spray paint some [faux] eggs. because who doesn't like golden eggs? I purchased them from Walmart, but they also have them at Michael's. I spray painted six little eggs, but I ended up only using four because I only had four place settings of the dishes I wanted to use. after I painted them and they dried, I set my table. I liked it, but the eggs needed something. they didn't look right just rolling around on those pretty floral napkins.

 THRONES. that's what they needed. so I googled egg cups to see where I could find some. as I googled this, I assumed there was a more technical term than "egg cup," but that's what they're really called! so, there's that. I found some cute scalloped ones online at Pier 1 for just $1.50 a pop. so naturally, I made plans to stop by and pick them up first thing in the morning. [I hardly slept that night because I was that eggcited about the egg cups.] then I had an idea to stick some moss in the egg cups to make them look like nests [?] because I thought that would look springy... I guess? I don't know, but I like the way my eggs look on their nest thrones.

so there you have it—my Easter tablescape. it's nothing fancy, but I'm pleased with the way it turned out.

I hope you leave inspired, whether it's to set your table [it's great therapy, I promise] or to spray paint something gold [also great therapy] or to enjoy the table someone else has set.

and remember the reason we're celebrating, He is risen!

"He isn't here! He is risen from the dead, just as He said would happen." 
Matthew 28:6


dishes | TJ Maxx
napkins | Ralph Lauren via HomeGoods
scalloped egg cups | Pier 1
flatware | Oneida Louisiana